John Lyle John Lyle

Helpful books for learning about classical education

There are dozens of books that can help us to learn more about classical education, and many of those aren’t on this list. The list below includes our favorite books, directly from our shelves (and which we have actually read with some degree of comprehension!).

Nothing strike your fancy here? Please visit the “Educational Philosophy” or “Pedagogy” sections of our Bookstore for more from our curated collection.

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John Lyle John Lyle

Helpful (free) resources for READING about classical education

What follows is a list of links and websites that we have found to offer profound insight into what an authentic classical liberal education is, and how it can be incorporated into your school, classroom or home.

Please check back often, as the list will continue to grow:

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Julian Mancini Julian Mancini

Helpful (free) resources for LISTENING about classical education

We acknowledge the grammar of this post’s title is not quite right, but what follows is a list of podcasts that we’ve found incredibly helpful for learning about classical education while driving, exercising, doing the dishes, and more! This list includes links to the main podcast only; for our list of most helpful podcast episodes, click here.

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Julian Mancini Julian Mancini

Thoughtful podcast episodes about classical education

In an earlier post, we identified several podcasts that we found to be helpful for learning about classical education. Below, we list what we’ve found to be the most interesting and educational episodes about classical education. Please check back periodically, as we’ll continue to update the list.

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